My Jazzer-story - Nikki Morgan
As many of you know, I LOVE Jazzercise! Jazzercise is my ‘Happy Hour’, a place to have fun, dance, exercise, be happy and smile!
“If you dance with your heart your body will follow” - Mia Michaels
Booking my first class was the BEST decision I ever made and one I will be forever grateful I made. I will never forget dusting off my trainers and heading off to my first class. Now I’m on the stage with the fabulous Jazzercise Exeter Team.
After the first class, I was hooked. Each class gave me a huge confidence boost. I'm a firm believer that dance and movement improves your mental and emotional health.
“Going on a weekly basis helped reduce the stress and anxiety so I could just be happy. It was the highlight of my day and I still get excited about getting ready to go to each class.”
As well as taking part in the amazing dance routines to all my favourite tunes, I became part of the Jazzercise Exeter Community. A group of beautiful, strong, inspiring and supportive people who I can call my FitFam. Going to the studio quickly became like a second home to us all and we have our class owner, Sarah to thank for creating this beautiful space where we can all come together.
“Becoming a Jazzercise Instructor was a dream come true.”
The Exeter Jazzercise Team - “FitFam”
I was inspired by Sarah’s fabulous classes and the energy she brought to each one. We left every class feeling A-MA-ZING! The whole Jazzercise Exeter team is so inspiring and supportive, I remember saying “I want to be just like them!”
As soon as 2020 came I started my Jazzercise New Franchise Training in preparation for the big training day in March. Sadly the training was cancelled the day before due to the pandemic. It was a huge build up and everything came to a sudden stop, as many others have experienced this year. It was a huge relief to hear that Jazzercise Inc had converted the training to a virtual experience, which meant I could still train to become an Instructor. It was very different to how I had previously trained, but I found the extra video calls and recording my movements/routines a huge help. I love teaching Jazzercise classes and hanging out with the Exeter FitFam. I can share my love of dance routines and put together fun, exciting classes for customers to enjoy.
It’s been a tough few months but together we were stronger! Thank you all for being so loving and supportive. Nikki x x x