10 steps to a healthier you in 2020
The new year has us all making resolutions to be healthier. research found 71 percent of us having a top goal to lose weight, exercise more, diet or eat healthier. All good! Unfortunately, only about 10 per cent of those who set a New Year’s resolution actually keep it.
Many of us rush into new diets and expensive gym memberships and go hard in January and February but lose the will to continue around March.
Here’s my 10 steps to help you really make it in 2021, and increase health and wellness through the whole year.
1. Find a health program you actually enjoy
Enjoyment is critical - #1. Most people find it incredibly hard just to keep following the same routine - same machines, same workout. It’s tortuous! That’s why we peter-out in March!
What you really need is to throw yourself into something a bit crazy, something super fun, that changes all the time and always challenges you. You need to enjoy yourself so that fitness becomes a fantastic added bonus from having a good time.
If you love it, you’re much more likely to stick with it!
Couple of simple tips to help you find your ‘I love it!’ fitness program.
First, try before you buy – ideally a couple of times. Are you having fun? Really?
Secondly, don’t be pressurised into paying for expensive joining fees and fixed annual memberships. Why the joining fee? Some gyms will call it an ‘admin fee’ – really?
Fixed memberships are there to keep the money rolling in when that huge group of January customers fall by the way-side in March.
You don’t see Netflix making you commit to annual memberships. That’s because they have complete confidence in the quality of their product.
2. Set short-term goals
It’s not often that people advise short-term thinking but I think it can be really helpful to scale back on these long-term weight loss and fitness goals and focus on the here-and-now.
Does your fitness program give you a mood boost? Do you feel more positive? Did you make new friends? Have a good laugh? Do you feel energised? Does that problem at work seem a little less of an issue?
In my experience, if you can focus on these immediate rewards you will have a far greater chance of success reaching your longer-term fitness goals.
3. Find a place where it’s easy to make friends
A big part of mental health is feeding your brain’s need for social interaction. If you’re an introvert, it’s sometimes hard to say “yes” to social activities - bars or other crowded locations. It can feel like a real effort sometimes.
What works well is to have a good routine and a nice place to go to share a good, healthy experience with like-minded people. You are all in it together. Conversation flows with smiles of encouragement and friendships just build naturally.
4. Get a workout buddy
A simple step to a healthier you in 2020 might be to just get together with a friend at least once per week and get out of the house. Your new fitness program can be the simple solution. Friends that sweat together, stay together!
Also, having someone to keep you accountable can help.
There’s something about knowing that someone is depending on you that helps you keep your commitment.
5. Get a Fitness Tracker
There are a number of benefits to owning a fitness tracker including monitoring your heart rate, how many calories you burn, and more. They can be a little slice of extra motivation that’s with you all the time.
The my.Jazzercise mobile app pairs with the latest fitness trackers with an easy-to-use interface that gives you access to real-time updates and a fun way to track your fitness progress as well as keeping you up-to-date on the class schedules, formats and instructors.
6. Drink more water
Most of us don’t drink enough water, yet it’s an essential component of a healthy mind and body. Drinking the right amount of water promotes greater focus, digestion, energy levels, and a desire to do healthier things like exercise and eat healthy foods.
Try to grab a glass of water every time you have a tea or coffee and with every snack or meal. I’ve pushed myself into the habit of always having a water bottle with me, like my phone, and filling up whenever I have a chance.
7. Drink Less Alcohol
I really can’t leave this off my top 10. Alcohol is full of calories, expensive and for me, messes up my sleep patterns and just makes the next day more difficult. No 2-ways about it, cutting back is a great way to improve your mental and physical health throughout the year.
8. Improve your sleep
A well-rested you is a happy and more energized you! For a better year ahead, you might want to drop “better sleep” into your top list of resolutions.
There’s lots of good sleep advice available on the internet. For me, I know I need to work on my wake-sleep routine a bit and to stick to it for 30 days until it becomes ingrained. Simple stuff like making sure I get a good 7 hours a night and keep to a consistent routine, doing the same things like, showering and brushing my teeth, with a good read to relax my mind. I need to keep my phone downstairs!
9. Reduce stress
Easier said than done, right?
Again, lots of great reading materials available on the internet but the one step I’ve taken this year that’s working wonders for me has been to identify exactly what things were causing me stress and writing them down. Then I spent a bit of time thinking about a goal – what I wanted my life to look like. Then I wrote down steps I needed to take to address my stress problem and reach my goal. One of the steps was to take smouldering issues head-on, and not let them fester. I think it’s the act of taking proper time to think through the stress problem and write down a plan that makes all the difference.
One other thing, just dance!
As well as making your body feel fitter and healthier, regular dancing exercise will also reduce mental tension and lead you on the path to a stress-free mind. Dance stimulates happiness endorphins in the brain to alleviate day-to-day worries and concerns.
10. Make Travel Plans - even if it’s still in the UK
A bit ‘left-field’ for my #10 but caring for your health in 2021 is about more than just physical goals. We all need to pay attention to our mental needs and take a holiday!
Research shows travel is one of the best medicines for stress, burnout, anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems.
Experts agree that traveling is also great for personal motivation. For me, the happiness of being on holiday with my family helps me to get any silly problems in perspective. I have a chance to reflect on my goals and how I’m reaching them. The best decisions I ever made have been when I’m having fun on holiday!
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